Friday, May 22, 2020
Mass Killings And Its Effects On Society - 3280 Words
Contemporary society suffers from a wide range of problems nowadays. It is a fact that the human development comes at the new stage of development, which starts to harm society. Nowadays there is a considerable increase in gun abuse, violence, murders and thefts, which have a negative impact on the society. There is no nation in the world, which can be confident in its safety from terrorism and mass killings. Millions of people are worried about nation’s welfare and prosperity regarding the increasing number of mass killings. It is mandatory to study the essence of mass killings and its reasons of the nationwide spread. In general, mass killings form a threat to the society not only in the US, but in the whole world as well. Mass killings have become a problem, which emerged from the country’s level of development and country’s internal processes. The nature of mass killings is hard to predict. According to the statistics, the average age of a murderer is 33.5 years old. Despite this fact, mass killings involve people of different ages and occupations. There is a vast percent of teenagers, who commit murders within the walls of the school (Duwe, 2005). It may seem that gun access may cause gun abuse and violence among residents, which later results in mass killings (Fox, 2013). However, it is essential to see into the roots of the problem. Community believes that a free access to gun results in violence and gun abuse. All life facilities have become extremely expensive, andShow MoreRelated`` Not Here : If We re Truly Serious About Stopping Massacres Like1687 Words  | 7 Pages we need to cure our addiction to evil†informs readers about the truth behind massacres. Metcalf says that violence performed in the form of mass killing have definite causes. People are fascinated by the violence. He further suggests that evil and mass killing incidents in Aurora and Port Arthur are just few examples of that evil. 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