Saturday, January 25, 2020
Service Provisions for the Elderly
Service Provisions for the Elderly ANSWER: Have you ever wondered why people say it is rude to ask a girl for her age? Do you know why most adults cringe every time they celebrate their birthdays? Truth be told, most of us fear aging because we associate it the gradual loss of our physical and mental abilities which in turn affects our emotional state. Bernard Nash asks, â€Å"Does it not strike you that we all want to live longer but none of us wants to grow old?†[1] Tangelder, J. (2014). He believes that aging, to most of us, is like a paradox. We enjoy life enough for us to choose to live longer yet we fear the effects of aging because it links towards the inevitable end. Most of us view aging as a loss of the benefits of our youth and the gain of multiple drawbacks of aging like diseases and illnesses such as dementia and hypertension. Physically speaking, it is a known fact that we lose a lot of control when we age. We lose the ability to walk properly, pee at will, see clearly, hear accurately, and so on. Also, aging introduces things that we do not have control of like arthritis, diabetes, sleep disorder, and many more. Aging even affects most of us emotionally. People get depressed from losing all the control that they once has. All these negative ideas leaves most of us with the fear of growing old. However, people need to understand that there are multiple ways to â€Å"age gracefully†and cope with these changes through the advent of medical advancements and growing concerns of aging. We can now cope to the point where we can enjoy the transition from being young to becoming elderly. All people need is a little support as we go through all these changes of being an elderly. One of the most important kind of support that people need is emotional support. We can get these support from our own families and friends. Some people also find comfort by going to their church community or marae based community. Also, here in New Zealand, there are a lot of support groups that can help people who get depressed from not being able to do what we were so accustomed to do. In Auckland alone, there are multiple organisations such as GROW, Balance NZ, Emotions Anonymous, Franklin Depression Support Group, Raeburn House, Men’s Change Support Group, and many more. All of which aims to help those undergoing change and depression. There even is a Depression Helpline. All these networks for us to use so that we can learn a thing or two about battling our demons of aging. Furthermore, there are multiple support organisations that help with common geriatric issues. One for which is Health and Disability Advocacy Service. Advocates help those who think their rights are being violated. In this case, one’s rights to health and disability service. Advocates side with the service-user. They generally listen to one’s concerns, explain your rights, suggest different courses of action, and support the actions that one takes. In New Zealand, this is a free service. This service is very important because it is always nice to have someone behind your back. If things go south, at least you know there is a group willing to listen and help with your health and disability problems. As we all know, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. â€Å"Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.†[2] (â€Å"Alzheimer’s Disease†, 2011, p. 1). Because of this, I believe that Alzheimer’s New Zealand is another support organization that assists the elderly to cope with this particular disease. They are a non-profit organisation that support people with this disease by giving information and education programmes to aid in better understanding of the disease. They also assist people by giving them useful information on how to provide financial support in availing of further assistance from other supportive organisations. HealthEd is another support organisation that helps with the aging process. Basically, HealthEd provides a list of free health catalogue resources conveyed by the Ministry of Health and Health Promotion Agency. Though they do not provide free services, what they offer is free information. People in New Zealand will be able to access unlimited information about certain health diseases or issues such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and many more. For me, information is very vital because it helps people understand what they have, what they are going through, and how they can cope. There may be information on how to contain the disease, maintain good health, or eliminate the disease all together. Age Concern is also an important organisation here in New Zealand. Their primary focus is to promote the dignity, respect, rights, and wellbeing of older people. Similar to HealthEd, they have many useful articles in their own website about aging. They help the elderly in New Zealand by providing information and support. They want to have a society in which the elderly are included rather than excluded. They want to establish a place where the elderly plays a valued role in the community. Age Concern also helps with social isolation, loneliness, and elder abuse. Finally, the SuperGold Card is one way of showing how much New Zealand appreciates and values the contributions of the elderly. Basically, by having this card, the elderly can enjoy discounts and offers from different establishments. There is no actual retirement age in New Zealand but once elderly can no longer work, they generally have limited funds. Having these discounts will help them enjoy the finer things in life. After all, they do deserve it. Besides the different support organisations, New Zealand also has different service provisions that the elderly can choose to avail. One example is the hospital. Here in New Zealand, there are many private hospital establishments that specialize in elderly care. People who choose to avail this service are those who require hospital level of care. Whoever avails of this service can be assured that qualified clinical staff will be with them for the duration of their stay. Doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and other medical staff will be present in these establishments. Hospices are another service provision present in New Zealand. Hospice New Zealand (2014) explains that hospice care has a unique whole person approach – which means physical, spiritual, emotional and social needs are equally important – a multidisciplinary team provides care for the person who is dying and their families and friends, both before and after a death.[3] Hospices tailor-fits an elder’s treatment plan based on what he or she thinks is important. If an elderly service user believes that being a part of the community is essential to growing old, then the hospice sees to it that the service user remains part of the community. Based on my current experience, this is done by taking them out of the house and having them do things they like such as bowling or doing the groceries. Residential Care is also a service provision in which the elderly can avail. This is a long-term care given in a rest home which includes rest home care, continuing hospital care, and dementia care. Residents of New Zealand get a Residential Care subsidy through government funding. This is very important because this helps geriatric people financially. Even if the government does not pay all the cost of this service, it is a very big help compared to other countries where they need to spend money from their own pockets. Nursing Homes is similar to Residential Care. The biggest difference is the level of care offered by these homes. Residential Care is more on the activities of daily living while Nursing Homes involves the medical aspect such as giving of medication and providing basic first aid when needed. According to Jenni Wiltz (2013), nursing care facilities provide room, board and care for patients who aren’t able to live on their own or in an assisted living facility due to serious debilitation or a medical condition.[4] Another service provision that is out there is Independent Living services. Adolf Ratzka (2003) defines Independent Living as a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect.[5] Independent Living does not mean that the service user does not need any help at all. Independent Living is being able to have the same rights and choices that other non-disabled people have. Even if we grow old, that does not mean we lose the control we have in making choices for ourselves. I also consider Day Care a crucial service provision that can assists the elderly. Before we get old, we enjoy doing different things like swimming, horseback riding, or going to the beach. When we get old, it does not mean we stop liking these things. Day Care is a programme where the elderly can continue to enjoy the things they used to do. In the place I work, we see to it that our service users do things they enjoy. We take them swimming, bowling, laughter yoga, and many more. All these support organisations and service provisions are there for a reason. As an employee of Kindly Residential Care and Rest Home, I believe that the above mentioned organisations and services should be accessed so that our service users can enjoy the finer things in life. By introducing them and their families to these options, our service users will have the dignity to age gracefully. They might even consider this stage in their lives to be the best among the rest and, possibly, look forward to what awaits them in the not so distant future. ANSWER: SOCIAL ISOLATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND THEIR FAMILY When people grow old, it is a known fact that they gradually lose the different abilities and skills they once had. This muddles one’s emotions to a point of them losing their own self-confidence thereby choosing to isolate themselves from their families, friends and others. But social isolation isn’t only a result of one’s own doing, society tends to isolate the elderly thinking they are too fragile to do anything. Kindly Residential Care Rest Home understands the importance of being part of a bigger whole. We have partnered with different organizations to ensure that our service users remain part of society. We also have a series of activities and programs that our service user can choose to be a part of such as: Day care Swimming 10 pin bowling Fishing Horseback riding Group recreational activities like coloring, drawing, and painting. Music therapy Laughter yoga Others ASSUMPTION OF AUTOMATIC LOSS OF INDEPENDENCE Society has this concept that the older people get, the more they would need our assistance. Though this is somewhat true, it does not mean these people automatically lose all sense of independence. They may not be able to do the things they used to do but they still have right to independence and choice. In Kindly Residential Care Rest Home, we make sure that our service users are given the dignity to remain as independent as possible through various ways such as: Giving them a chance to choose. They can choose what to wear, what to eat, or what chores they want to do. Encourage and empowering them to do things. Assigning of tasks will make them feel like they are part of a bigger picture. Supporting them as needed. We do not do things for them but we assists them whenever there is a need. Being patient and letting them do things at their own pace. As long as the job is done, it does not really matter how long it takes. Educating the service users, their families, and society. Everyone should know what the service user is going through so that everyone will be on the same page when it comes to caring for the service user. UNABLE TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT OWN CARE People often have this misconception about the elderly not being able to make sound decisions about many things especially their own care. Most elderly people retain the ability to make decisions but there are a few that require aid and support. We, at Kindly Residential Care Rest Home, believe in supporting our service users in whatever decisions they make as long as no harm will come to them. By partnering with other organizations, we can assure our service users that they can make the best educated decision regarding their health. Our partners are: Health and Disability Advocacy Service Age Concern Grey Power Carers New Zealand HealthEd Alzheimer’s New Zealand SeniorLine Others DISSATISFYING INTERACTIONS WITH THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY People often write off the elderly because they assume that the elderly have no clue as to what they are doing or as to what is currently going on around them. We live in a fast-paced world and people think that the elderly take too long to catch up. People think the elderly cannot learn new things. Especially in the medical community, medical staff tends to do things for the service user to speed up the process. Instead of giving the elderly a chance to accomplish something, most staff ignores this. This results in both parties having the wrong conception towards each other. Most medical communities feel like the elderly are always unsatisfied with their help while the elderly feel like they are being taken for granted. Kindly Residential Care Rest Home sees to it that every service user is given full attention especially when it comes to their medical status. This can be achieved through: Prioritizing the service user Practicing active listening Personalizing the type of care towards the needs of the service user Quarterly review to check what is working, what needs to be done, and what to improve on. Proper training of staff if needed UNCERTAINTY OF SUPPORT SERVICES AND TREATMENTS People usually fear the unknown. The elderly never had the same access to internet as we do. Knowing and getting specific information about the different support services and treatments out there was very hard to come by. And once they do come by a specific support service or treatment they have not heard of, they will be very skeptical and hesitant to try it. Unlike today’s generation, we can easily read people’s comments and testimonials about a certain support service or treatment. Through those, we can make a sound decision whether to go through with the program or not. Kindly Residential Care Rest Home fully understands this dilemma most service users have and we have dedicated ourselves to helping our service user find the right support service or treatment that best suits them. Because of our vast knowledge and partnership with support organizations, we make sure each service user knows about their options by: Explaining about the program Telling them about the advantages and disadvantages of the support service or treatment Giving recommendations Enrolling them for a trial period if possible Making follow-ups to see if the service user is satisfied with the service BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES Tangelder, J. (2014). Aaaaagh! I’m Getting Old. Power to Change: Experience his Power. Retrieved from Alzheimer’s Disease: Fact Sheet. (2011). National Institute of Aging, No. 11-6423, Pg. 1. Hospice New Zealand. (2014). What is Hospice? Retrieved from Ratzka, A. (2003). What is Independent Living – A Personal Definition. Journal of Independent Living Institute. Retrieved from [1] Tangelder, J. (2014). Aaaaagh! I’m Getting Old. Power to Change: Experience his Power. Retrieved from [2] Alzheimer’s Disease: Fact Sheet. (2011). National Institute of Aging, No. 11-6423, Pg. 1. [3] Hospice New Zealand. (2014). What is Hospice? Retrieved from [4] Wiltz, J. (2013). Residential Care VS Nursing Home. Journal of Retrieved from [5] Ratzka, A. (2003). What is Independent Living – A Personal Definition. Journal of Independent Living Institute. Retrieved from
Friday, January 17, 2020
Establishign a Company Pmo, Ppm & Governance Structure
A project management culture is important in today’s competitive environment. If the company is to thrive and meet future financial targets, project management principles and practices must be a part of our business management model. Every employee must understand how critical this undertaking is. Below are examples (Gary, Larson, 2008) of business environment drivers that are moving the company to create this extremely important initiative. oIn high-tech industries, the product life-cycle is averaging 1 to 3 years.Approximately 30 years ago, life cycles of 10 – 15 years were not uncommon. Time to market for new products with short life cycles has become increasingly important. oThe open global markets of today demand cheaper products and services but also better products and services. This coincides with the quality movement and the practice of building quality into the project plan. oThe growth in new knowledge and understanding has increased the complexity of project s because projects encompass the latest advances from the materials used to the specifications, codes, equipment and specialists required to complete the project objectives.Increased competition has placed much emphasis on customer satisfaction. No one settles for generic products and services. The demand is around customized products and services that cater to specific needs. Years ago there was more of a â€Å"one-size fits all†approach. Now there is a great deal of selection. In summary, there are a substantial number of environmental forces requiring the company to take project management to the next step. The company project management initiative will position us for the future business environment which will require increased accountability, flexibility, innovation, speed and continuous improvement.This briefing will describe this company initiative and plans to create a Project Management Office (PMO), initiate Project Portfolio Management, an improved governance stru cture and addresses a change in culture to assure project management and proper governance are part of our daily activities. Establish Project Management Office Project Management Offices often have different styles (Morris, 2008). The company PMO will have a style of â€Å"Operational Partner. †The PMO is not only to create the project management methodology and governance, it will also help organizations grow and meet their strategic targets.The PMO will also be a major factor in project selection through Project Portfolio Management (PPM). This will assure projects are being selected for their overall contribution and alignment to the company strategies. The responsibilities of the PMO are: oMethodology Creation – Creates successful and repeatable processes in support of the company project management methodologies. oProvide Project Management – Supply the project management function to the company business units. Centralized Reporting – Organizationa l level reporting providing complete views of all project activity and summarizing cost and progress reporting for the entire company. oKnowledge Center – Act as an advisor and will maintain a knowledge center for project documentation. oProject Selection – Creating criteria and methods for project selection via a Project Portfolio Management process. The plan (see accompanying MS Project File) to establish the Project Management Office starts with a Brainstorming session with the CIO.This session leverages participant innovation and â€Å"out of the box†thinking to establish the PMO strategy management elements (Vision, Mission, Goals). Once the strategy management elements are defined, the PMO design and architecture phase will start. During this phase, the PMO Responsibilities, Authority and Accountabilities (RA&A) are documented, the team architecture is defined and the facilities requirements are documented. Choosing the PMO team could be the single most i mportant decision in establishing the PMO (Campbell, Baker, 2007).During the development phase, the PMO staff, team operating rhythm, PMO processes will be created and the facilities build up occurs. Establish Project Portfolio Management A Project Portfolio Management (PPM) methodology will be established. The purpose of the PPM is to assure approved projects are aligned with the company strategic goals and priorities. This methodology will provide information that enables better business decisions. Figure 1 shows a conceptual project scoring matrix that may be used to measure projects against specific criteria.Projects that are approved will be tracked to assure the business case comes home and the forecasted return on investment is realized. The plan (see accompanying MS Project File) to establish PPM, like the PMO, starts with a brainstorming session and again will include the CIO and leverage participant innovation and â€Å"out of the box†thinking. The key outcome of t he session is to define and document the objectives of the PPM and each step of a PPM gated process. The PPM gates to be defined are: oGate 1 – Define and Prioritize Business Strategy Gate 2 – Capture and Publish Idea oGate 3 – Publish Business case for Idea Review and Rating oGate 4 – Idea Analysis and Approval oGate 5 – Finalize Design Document oGate 6 – Approval Each gate will go through a design phase prior to entering the development phase. A formal tracking method and visual controls will be created to include â€Å"return on investment†verification. The net present value (NPV) model will be used to access the project against management’s minimum desired rate-of-return to compute the present value of all cash inflows.If the result is positive, it will be eligible for further consideration. Other project considerations are shown below. oIncreasing market share oIncreases difficulty for competitors to enter market oCreatio n of an adjacent product or service oIncreases independence from unreliable suppliers oCreation of new technology that enables new products or product derivatives oCreation of a product that will increase sales of more profitable products oReduced production defectsFigure 1 – Conceptual Project Scoring Matrix (Gary, Larson, 2008) Each project will be scored against the selection criteria. Based on the scoring for the project a total scoring based on the weighting will reflect the final score. Establish Governance Structure In order for the PPM to function properly, an Investment Review Board (IRB) must be put in place to assure proposed projects are brought through the approved process, voted on based on the selection criteria established and formally tracked to the success criteria stated in the business case.Each functional area will have representation on the IRB. This assures that impacts to the overall company priorities can be assessed and result in the best possible go vernance of the projects and priorities in alignment with the company strategies. Like the other major planning components of this company initiative, the plan to build the new Governance Structure will start with a brainstorming session. The session will include the CIO and a representative from each of the functional areas.This provides an opportunity for a manager from each area to help shape this important board and voice any risks or issues to assure these are addressed in the design and architecture phase in creating the governance structure. The session will focus on foundational elements in creating the new structure such as board chartering, RA&A (Responsibility, Authority & Accountability), team structure and operating rhythm. A draft of a governance board structure is shown in figure 2 to facilitate initial discussions. Figure 2 – Governance Board Structure Establish Culture Change/Communication PlanThe success of this company initiative is in the hands of every te am member in the company. If we are going to remain competitive and thrive in a global market, we must take our business disciplines in project management and governance to the next level. A communication plan is part of the overall plan to assure the flow of information horizontally and vertically. Culture change requires a high degree of multi-faceted communications (hybrid of high touch and no-touch). This plan supports a corporate communications expert to help assure â€Å"the right information†is getting to â€Å"the right individuals†as â€Å"the right time. This includes branding the activities for promotional purposes and creation of escalation paths for any employee (non-management and management alike) with questions, concerns and issues surrounding the initiative. This effort will mitigate previous issues where a top down deployment of a company initiative did not enable the escalation of issues and concerns related to the implementation challenges experi enced by the employees. Summary This plan requires a commitment from all employees. We can not afford to fail in our efforts.Securing our future growth and prosperity are paramount in the challenging business climate of today. To help the company make this successful journey, extensive use of the Independent Review process (to be created by the PMO) will assure full implementation of the initiative and achievement to the expected level of performance. The benefits of this initiative will be seen and felt by every employee in the way of focused efforts that are sized and prioritized for the approved resources and aligned to the company strategies resulting in greater levels of shareholder value.Thank you in advance for your support of this plan. NOTE: A non-recurring budget snapshot for the development and implementation of this initiative is shown in figure 3. Figure 3: Non-recurring Budget SnapshotReferences Morris, Rick A. (2008) The Everything Project Management Book 2nd Edition Avon, MA: Adams Media Gary, C. F. , Larson, E. W. (2008) Project Management – The Managerial Process New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin Campbell, G. M. , Baker, S. B. (2007) Project Management Fourth Edition New York, NY: Penguin Group
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Perfect Domestic Wives - 1069 Words
Perfect domestic wives are expected to maintain a spotless home, raise angelic children, and preserve their energetic, polite exterior. Gender roles and freedom of women in the 19th century are the main themes in Henrik Ibsen’s â€Å"A Doll’s House.†The movement for women’s rights succeeded in Norway shortly after this time period. However, during the 19th century, Norway experienced peace which led to a concentration on the arts and theatre. New makeup and sets were brought into the theatre. Plays like â€Å"A Doll’s House†by Henrik Ibsen epitomized the new age of theatre, realism, in the 19th century. During the 19th century, Norway had resolved wars and began growing as a nation, Europe experienced the industrial revolution, and class systems developed into daily life. After fighting for many centuries to become an independent country, Norway finally found peace in the time period. The arts thrived led by Henrik Ibsen. Norwegian women be came the first in Europe to be given the right to vote shortly after the 19th century in 1913. While Norway was still poor, the nation continued to grow with pride (â€Å"History†). The Industrial Revolution had made its way to Europe in this time period. About half of the population of England lived in cities, because that was where people could find jobs. Big businesses were booming and laws could not keep up with the companies. Workers were controlled by their employees. The workers’ wages were threatened if they were late or made mistakes.Show MoreRelatedFeminism And Popular Culture : Gender Relations And Feminist Issues1336 Words  | 6 PagesThe Beauty Myth, can be perceived in popular portrayals of women, as their appearances are considered central to their role in the plot. Examples of this include the reality television show, The Bachelor, and the science fiction film, The Stepford Wives. 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