Friday, November 29, 2019
Mean Girls Personality Theory Paper Essay Example
Mean Girls Personality Theory Paper Paper The movie that I decided to watch was mean girls. This movie is about a teenage girl who lived in Africa because her parents were doing research and then they had all moved to America. The girl’s name in the movie was Cady and she had never been home schooled before she moved to the United States of America. Her first couple of days was rocky but she eventually made friends with two art students by the name of Janis Ian and Damien, her new friends told her to be careful around the popular girls in school known as the plastics. One day while Cady was looking for her friends, a girl by the name of Regina George the main leader of the plastics wanted her to join their group because she thought she was really pretty. Cady becomes a part of the group, but Janis convinces her to get revenge on Regina George because of Janis’s personal experience with Regina. Cady declines on getting revenge until Regina George gets back with her ex-boyfriend Aaron Samuels who Cady liked and Regina claimed she would put in a good word for Cady. Cady then decided that she would get revenge on Regina, so the movie is basically showing how Cady evolved from a sweet girl into a typical teenage girl. The three theories that I decided to pick for this movie were Social Learning theory and Behaviorism. I chose social learning theory because the theory stated that an individual’s behavior will be influenced by the environment around them, and since Cady was around the plastics that always spread mean and vicious rumors she became one of them. We will write a custom essay sample on Mean Girls Personality Theory Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mean Girls Personality Theory Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mean Girls Personality Theory Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I chose behaviorism because Skinner stated behavior is a response to the environment which would explain why Cady decided to get even with Regina because that is what Regina George would do. Another theory that I thought that was displayed in the movie would be Dollard and Miller’s learning process which consisted of five steps, those four steps would be drive, cue, response, reinforcement effect. Drive is defined as a promotion of a specific action. Social learning theory was a theory that Albert Bandura developed which explained how an individual’s behavior is influenced by the environment around them. There are four steps in the social learning theory. There are four ways that social learning can be developed and those four are attentional processes, retention processes, motor production, and motivational processes. The attention process just states that people are more likely to direct their attention on charismatic attractive models, to repeat the behavior. The retention process is remembering schemas for later to put into use. Motor production is a convert, abstract idea to appropriate action. The motivational processes just states that there is an acquisition process which is what people learn to do, and performance would be when a person actually performed. The experiment that Bandura performed to prove this theory was the Bobo doll study. The study consisted of three groups of children. One group was shown an aggressive adult model and was asked to physically and verbally attack the doll. The second group was shown a passive adult model and was told to ask passively, and the control group did not have an adult model. When the children were sent in a playroom to play with multiple toys that including the Bobo doll. The children that were shown the aggressive adult model appeared to be more aggressive towards the doll, and hit it with various objects such as pots, pans and dolls. There were various scenes in mean girls that displayed the social learning theory. One of the examples would be when Janis Ian cut out the breast part out of Regina’s George’s tank top, Regina George noticed that she was wearing a shirt with the breasts cut out, but she didn’t care and went around the school that way, the whole school seen her and began to duplicate her style because they seen that an attractive model was wearing her tank top that way. This is part of the social learning theory because it states that there are four characteristics and one of them was attentional which just stated that people are more likely to copy other’s actions because they are attractive models. There were several examples of this throughout the movie, at one point during the movie a girl said she had seen Regina George wearing army pants and flip flops so she went to get the exact outfit that Regina George had. Another one of the attention model would be when Regina George’s little sister was in the living room listening to milkshake and watching girls gone wild, and a girl on the television lifted up her shirt, so Regina George’s sister lifted her shirt up as if she was one of the girls in the girls gone wild video. There were two examples of motivation models in the movie. One example would be when Cady skipped health class on her second day with Janis and Ian because they told her too, and that Cady was their friend. This is an example because while narrating the movie she stated that the reason that she stayed with them and skipped class was because Janis said that they were friends and she was in no position to pass up friends. Another one of the same would be when Cady was a nice girl at the beginning f the film and did not understand why everybody disliked the plastics until her supposed friend, Regina George was kissing Aaron Samuels the guy that Cady liked, after this happened Cady decided that she would be catty just like Regina George and use similar tactics to get even with her for that. It was acquired when the plastics asked Cady to sit with them, but it was carried out (performance) when she actually did stuff to sabotage Regina George. Skinner’s definition of behavior state d that behavior is a response to the environment. Skinner also stated the two types of behavior which are operant and respondent. Operant is when behavior is elicited by a person, it is not an automatic response and it is not learned. Behavior can be altered but it depends on the consequences. Respondent behavior is when behavior is elicited by stimulus, it is an automatic response, and is a behavior that people cannot learn. Respondent behavior can be altered through conditioning. In the movie mean girls this was displayed when Cady finally went to school, so that she could make friends. She was a nice and respecting young lady until she became a part of the popular girls. Cady’s behavior throughout the movie changed because she learned the behavior by hanging out with the popular girls. Cady was not interested in getting revenge on Regina George until she told Regina George that she liked Aaron Samuels and Regina George decided that she wanted to resume their relationship. So, when Cady saw that Regina George took Aaron Samuels back, Cady decided that she would join Janis in getting revenge. She learned her behavior from the plastics and Janis Ian. But at the end her behavior changed back to how it was in the beginning when she was a nice respectable girl. Cady’s behavior changing throughout the movie is described as operant behavior. Since Cady was punished toward the end of the movie for claiming that she was responsible for writing the burn book she was grounded by her parents, and her teacher made her join Mathletes because she was failing her math class. Her parents were provided her with a punishment because she was misbehaving and was trying to correct her behavior so that she could be similar to the girl that they know before she started high school.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Christmas Tongue Twisters Alliteration Lesson Plan
Christmas Tongue Twisters Alliteration Lesson Plan Everyone knows the popular tongue twister She sells seashells on the sea shore. This Christmas, teach your students about alliteration and let them try and create a few fun holiday tongue twisters of their own. Heres how. Explaining Alliteration Start your lesson by saying the popular tongue twister mentioned above. Then, ask students if they have ever heard of this saying before. Discuss that this play on words is called alliteration, which is a literary element. Ask them if they can guess from your example what alliteration might mean. Try and get students to work towards a definition like this: Alliteration is defined as the repetition of consonants at the beginning of words in any piece of writing. Make sure that students understand that alliterative words do not have to start with same letter or letters but it can be like ( i.e. chilly and silly). You can give students the example below. The pots and pans were Peters prized possessions. Next, have students try and brainstorm some words. Write the letter H on the front board and ask students to try and think of names, place, animals, or food that begins with the same sound of that letter. Let them try and come up with at least five words for each category. Then, as a class try and come up with a tongue twister using the words from the categories. Tongue Twisters Once they have gotten the hang of what alliteration is and how it works, then you can let them loose to try and create festive tongue twisters on their own. Extend the lesson by asking your students to illustrate a tongue twister or two. Let them use a dictionary and/or thesaurus to kick their twisters up to the next level of complexity. Here are a few Christmas tongue twisters to get you started: Crazy kids clamor for candy canes and Christmas cookies.Toy trains travel and toot along the track.Hal had happy holiday holly.Prancer presents pumpkin pies and presents.Chilly children cheer and chant on chilly nights.Santa sings silly songs about sleighs slipping supper fast in the sun.Tiny Tim trims the tallest tree with tons of terrific tinsel.Red-nosed Rudolph romps readily round ruby wreaths.Blitzer bobbles a billion brilliant bells.Santas super sleigh slips so swiftly through the snow.Shiny stars sparkle on silver sleighs.Ten tiny toy soldiers tinker with twenty toy trains.Santas stuffed sack sags and slumps. Edited by: Janelle Cox
Friday, November 22, 2019
Best Man Wedding Speech Essay -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches
Good Evening everybody...I hope you are all enjoying everything so far...My name is Frank Levy, and I am Rick's Best Man for the evening. I happened to find out that there was a pool going on as to how long my Best Man's speech was going to be, and I was the only one who bought in at 60 minutes, so you might as well all just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride. When Rick first asked me to be a "Best Man", I wasn't really sure what my responsibilities were suppossed to be. I asked around, and was told that my main duties for today were: To ensure that the groom arrives on time, To make sure he is sober, And to make sure he is looking good. Well 2 out of 3 isn?t bad... After all I?m best man, not a plastic surgeon! I was also worried about how long... Best Man Wedding Speech Essay -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen – I'd like to start by saying that what a genuine honor it is to be part of Rick's wedding. Rick certainly is handsome tonight, with his fine rented tux and shoes. On a gala evening such as this, you may find it hard to believe that Rick has not always been so handsome. The truth is, Rick was so ugly at birth, the doctor slapped his mother! The nurses were no more sympathetic, they diapered poor little Rick’s face. The fact is, his parents were so embarrassed of Rick that they borrowed another baby for the baptism ceremony. When little Rick went to school, the situation didn’t improve at all. Yes, it is true that Rick was the teacher’s pet – but that was just because the teacher couldn’t afford a dog! Rick's appearance b... Best Man Wedding Speech Essay -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches Well to be honest Steven I thought you would have spoken for longer today†¦.. as that was probably your last opportunity to speak for any length of time without interruption. Not that I’m saying Ellen talks a lot! Afternoon everybody†¦..or is it evening†¦.. seems so long ago that we started these proceedings†¦. For those of you that do not know me my name is Mark Although I’m sure you’ll have a few other names for me after I’ve finished this†¦. Although BIG NOSE is a little obvious! Also just a little soundcheck†¦.Can hear me at the back Good then put a bottle aside for me!!!! Well†¦I hope you’ve all been having a good time and enjoyed yourselves so far†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Good †¦..but as they say †¦.. every silver lining has a cloud†¦.. and I’m afraid it’s just got overcast! I must thank Ellen’s parents for their hospitality today and that really did look like a splendid meal†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. although I’m afraid mine should be just be hitting the city sewer system around †¦. About†¦.. now†¦ Response to Steven’s Toast To Bridesmaid First of all may I re-iterate and thank Steven for his complementary comments to the Bridesmaids, who have done a splendid job today at looking wonderful. Although†¦.. No-doubt my sister has already told you this†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Read CARDS / TELEGRAMS here! â€Å"Don’t forget dear †¦.. the slightest ill treatment and you come home to Mother! Closer Look†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Oh!! Its for m service lady will of course be puzzled by this request and ask him whether Mrs Scott might want something more substantial To which Steven will probably reply ‘No that’s ok I'm conducting an experiment to see if she eats like a rabbit as well!" Ladies and Gentlemen please†¦.. settle down†¦ Could you please stand now and join me in a toast to the bride’s parents for this special day. Thank you. And while you are all standing I’ve just got a few last things to say†¦.. Steven you are an excellent friend and it’s been an honour to be your best man. I wish you and Ellen all the very best for the future. If everyone could now join me in a toast to Mr and Mrs Steven and Ellen Scott. Congratulations!!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Technological Advancements in Historic Preservation Research Paper
Technological Advancements in Historic Preservation - Research Paper Example Historic buildings have been designed with sustainable features that respond to both site and prevailing climate (WBDG). The effectiveness of sustainable features used to preserve traditional buildings and, when incorporated in modern buildings, those features can result in substantial energy savings. The current technologically improved sustainable preservation of buildings has, therefore, been derived and adapted to supplement the inherent sustainable features in many historical buildings without compromising the unique and historic character of such buildings. For example, the Adobe houses or those made of dried bricks are among the oldest buildings made of the most common materials that are known to man today (Old House Web). The adobe bricks were not fired initially but were sun-baked first and only then used in the construction process. These bricks consist of sand, clay, water, gravel and straw or grass that are mixed with hands in wooden moulds and then are being dried in the sun (Old House Web). As the adobe bricks are not fired in a kiln, the bricks never harden permanently but remain unstable during their life time. These bricks are, therefore, prone to shrinking as water content changes with their strength fluctuating over time: the higher the water content, the lower the strength (Old House Web). The adobe bricks, though having been successfully used in the buildings, cannot bond to metal, wood or stone as they exhibit greater movements than these materials. Attempts to bond these materials resulted in cracking, separating or twisting at the interfaces, which led to cracking and failure of the buildings in most of cases. This prejudiced the preservation of these buildings. In the majority of cases, where traditional methods may not present enough strength in buildings, other technologies in the modern building construction are used to reinforce these traditional buildings to ensure sustainability and preservation of a historic fabric (Fischetti, 42 ). The early adobe building foundations varied greatly according to their differences in local building construction and available materials, which resulted in great variability in these buildings, including their sustainability (Old House Web). Lack of professionals at planning or preservation stage of a huge number of traditional buildings has had a bad effect on those buildings, thus, numerous efforts to innovate and elaborate plans for preservation in these buildings have been made recently; though there has been a growing belief in the inclusion of planning and growth management in preservation of these buildings (WBDG). Though preserving a building has been recognized as an ultimate recycling of projects, the majority of preservationists in most of cases fight the stigma of historic buildings being inefficient and stress on the need to take daunting corrective measures in order to retrofit for energy saving devices and systems with the green sustainable design being increasing ly popular in both construction and preservation of new industries (WBDG). These shortcomings in the traditional buildings and preservation approaches are continuously being reviewed though the improved technologies in both preservation of buildings and documentation of building projects so that to enhance effective preservation. The growing technological advances have made it possible to improve building preservation efficiency and accuracy with record keeping in architectural and construction projects being enhanced to
Monday, November 18, 2019
MARKETING RESEARCH FOR A NEW MATERNITY CARE PRODUCT LINE NORTON CHILDRENS HOSPITAL - Essay Example Along this line, a marketing research is required to produce the needed information. (Please see Appendix B.) As far as identifying the problem, there is actually none. This is being stated because the hospital has the capabilities to introduce and establish the proposed maternity care unit. It is only as to how extensive the new product line should be to capitalize on the local market, which indeed appears to be a captured market, and to therefore maximize the earnings of the hospital. The concern of the top hospital men is therefore more on the leverage of answers rather than of a problem. There are no problems. Instead, there are answers that must be sought in making the final decision on whether or not to push the project. The aims of the research is (1) to obtain as much information on the reaction of the local market to the idea of establishing a full-service maternity care department or division in the children's hospital, and (2) to document all these information and data to become the basis of management on whether or not to so push through with the introduction and establishment of the new product line. The research design uses statistical data gathering with 270 responde... Aims of the Research The aims of the research is (1) to obtain as much information on the reaction of the local market to the idea of establishing a full-service maternity care department or division in the children's hospital, and (2) to document all these information and data to become the basis of management on whether or not to so push through with the introduction and establishment of the new product line. Research Design and Procedures The research design uses statistical data gathering with 270 respondents in the local community. The demographical spreads are divided into age, gender, marital status, education and income. Upon the other hand, the questions regarding preference have been anchored on the reputation of the hospital, quality of care, distance from home, advice from doctor, advice from friends, advertisements, friendliness of the staff, maternity facilities, nursery facilities and maternity insurance. In the end, the results will be quantified as to maximum, minimum, median and mean. The survey taking is to be done directly on a person-to-person basis for each respondent as this is the most effective approach. In sum, statistics will be the prime source of information and data that will serve as the main tool in the decision making process as envisioned by the management of the hospital.2 Results of the Samples 1. Overall demographics Among the respondents, the most come from females, married, aged 26 to 40, have obtained some college education, and with income range from 70,000 to 99,000, while the least come from males, never married, aged 41 to 55, high school graduates, and those with income less than 20,000. (Please refer to Appendix E.) 2. Interest in the Idea of a Children's Hospital For those
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Turfgrass Extension Program Essay Example for Free
Turfgrass Extension Program Essay I have spent many fruitful years amassing experience in the turfgrass industry and have developed an immense interest in and respect for this field of inquiry. In keeping with this, I have been involved in research and extension activities supporting the turfgrass industry both as a student member of the Ohio Turfgrass Foundationâ€â€to which I gave five years of serviceâ€â€and as an active team member of Turfgrass Extension Program at University of Wisconsin and University of Massachusettsâ€â€where I served for two years. In addition to this, I have approached research and extension from the standpoint of stakeholders for whom I serve as a provider of information and technology within the turfgrass industry. I have also operated in the office of facilitator of continuing education for turfgrass growers and managers, upon whom I have striven to impress the value that turfgrass clientele deserve individualized service in a timely manner. It is my belief that any successful turfgrass pathology program must retain its relevance to pique and enhance users’ interest. Furthermore, such a program must also convey information in layperson terms in order to facilitate comprehension by diverse audiences, which will aid in the application of this information to their specific situations. I also strongly believe that the provided information will be more meaningful when it is based on solid research and evaluated under similar local environmental conditions. Wisconsin boasts unique and interesting climate conditions, having hot and humid summers but cold and snowy winters. This makes it therefore necessary that turfgrass grown in this state to be sustained and managed in two very extreme weather conditions. Consequently, such turfgrass needs to be protected from both summer and winter pathogens. The primary foci of my research are in two areas: on the â€Å"dollar spot†caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and on the snow molds caused by Microdochium nivale, Typhula incarnata, and Typhula ishikariensis (Abernathy, et al., 2001). Dollar spot and snow molds are the most economically important fungal diseases on highly-cared-for turfgrass in Wisconsin, and they respectively occur during the summer and winter. Although with a proper fertility program along with sound cultural practices does succeed in alleviating some of the disease pressure, management of these diseases on manicured turfgrass heavily relies on fungicide. Various fungicides, or often tank-mixtures of fungicides, are commonly applied preventatively and/or curatively. Recently, however, turfgrass managers have been left with fewer options as it regards fungicides. Fungicide use has become stricter due to concerns related to environmental, human, and animal health. Old chemistry (e.g., PCNB and anilazine) widely used for turfgrass diseases was requested due to regulatory or voluntary cancellation of re-registration. In addition, the release of new fungicides now decreases due to low margin of profit, considering the cost of development and registration. In addition, intensively managed fungal pathogens have been reported to develop insensitivity to fungicide, causing reduction of fungicide efficacy in the field. Development of management strategies to use fungicides more effectively with a minimal risk of causing fungicide insensitivity is now a critical and urgent need for the current turfgrass industry. The achievement of this goal depends on specific factors. A population instead of an individual must be the target of control strategies, because it is the fungal population that evolves to survive in an environment that is experiences constant changes as a result of agricultural practices. Therefore, the primary interest of my research is aimed at gaining a better understanding of the pathogen population and its dynamics in the turfgrass agrosystem. This research is also directly linked to the extension of the new practical knowledge about disease management toward stakeholders in the state. For the comprehensive study about fungal population, I have developed three key assay tools for S. homoeocarpa. The first (1st) is the in vitro fungicide sensitivity assay using predetermined discriminatory concentrations; the second (2nd) is the PCR-based DNA fingerprinting technique; and the third (3rd) is the vegetative compatibility assay using nitrate non-utilizing (nit) mutants. Based on this technique and methodology, I have conducted research and compiled data on the structure and dynamics of S. homoeocarpa field populations in Wisconsin and Massachusetts since 2005 up to the present. S. homoeocarpa populations on turfgrass where different management practices had been applied has been shown to be significantly different in term of genetic variability and fungicide sensitivity. For example, the population on the fairway was very different from one on the adjacent rough or putting green. In addition, the dollar-spot population changed relatively fast in response to fungicide application. Particularly, benzimidazole fungicide thiophanate-methyl caused the fungal population to rapidly shift to fungicide insensitivity. Various unique cultural and fungicide practices used on turfgrass surely affect the fungal population, and this proves to be critical information for developing and implementing effective dollar-spot control measures. My future research will focus on investigating how the fungal population changes in response to different agricultural input as well as environmental factors on turfgrass, and these activities include mowing, irrigation, and the use of fertilizers and fungicides. Further long-term research on the S. homoeocarpa population will increase knowledge about the population dynamics of phytopathogenic fungi on perennial gramineous plants, where few or no previous studies have been conducted. My extension in Wisconsin will be geared to augment the outstanding efforts of the current turfgrass extension program. First of all, the Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab (TDL) will be used as a pipeline for getting information to the clientele in the state. Fast and accurate disease diagnosis is the key to successful disease control. Timely diagnosis of turfgrass samples and recommendation of proper treatments is recognized to be of utmost importance, and will therefore be promptly and directly offered for the benefit of the turfgrass industry. Communication with the clientele via phone, site visits and consultations also provides critical feedback to identify imminent problems and needs faced by the turfgrass industry. The key element of extension project is that proper fungicide programs will be developed and provided to the turfgrass industry as an important element of integrated pest management (IPM). The use of fungicide is requisite for managing turfgrass diseases below the tolerance level, which is usually very low on intensively managed turfgrass. At the same time, fungicide must be used with a minimal number of applications and at a proper concentration to minimize its destructive effect on the environment. Therefore the most effective fungicides must first be selected for targeted pathogen species. For example, for three major fungal species causing snow molds, certain fungicides provided better control for certain species but not for other species. Such distinctions would lead to the choice of the most effective fungicide(s) for each species. Second, the fungicide sensitivity level of the local pathogen population should also precede fungicide selection. At the location where insensitive fungal isolates are found, corresponding fungicides must be avoided or carefully used in combination with other effective fungicides. In order to make the consultation of effective fungicide programs informative and accessible to the public, the TDL service will be supplemented with the following: The in vitro fungicide sensitivity assay for major systemic fungicides (e.g., benzimidazole and demethylation inhibitor) to which insensitivity is commonly found in turfgrass pathogens Molecular diagnosis for snow mold fungi using DNA fingerprinting technology as well as phenotypic characteristics to achieve accurate identification of causal agents. In the future, my extension program will design and provide customized fungicide programs for individual locations based on more comprehensive information about the pathogen population. Abernathy, S.D., R.H. White, P.F. Colbaugh, M.C. Engelke, G.R. Taylor, II and T.C. Hale        (2001). â€Å"Dollar Spot Resistance among Blends of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars.†Crop  Science. 31: 806-809.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
foolear Role of the Fool in William Shakespeares King Lear Essay
The Role of the Fool in William Shakespeare's King Lear In the play King Lear, by William Shakespeare, there are many intriguing characters. Perhaps the most intriguing of them all is the fool. The fool seems to exist outside the play appearing and disappearing without warning. The fool is, however, a necessary character to the evolution of Lear's character, since he is the personification of truth and reason. The fool serves to show Lear how he is going insane, as well as to attempt to delay this inevitability. The fool also demonstrates to Lear the truths about people around him, and tries to point out what treachery and deceit they wish upon him. When Lear is too far-gone to heed the advice and knowledge of the fool, he vanishes without a trace no longer useful, or needed. Right from the beginning of the play Lear shows sings of insanity. Dividing up his kingdom, for the reasons he stated, may seem to be a wise thing to do. Not trusting Cordelia, however, is a sing of insanity, as she is the only daughter who truly loved him. The fool, throughout the entire time he is i...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mentorship through Maslow’s Self-actualisation: Teaching, Learning and Assessment Theories
Introduction The past decades has seen the rise in mentorship programmes targeting individuals and groups. Interest in mentoring programmes has been fuelled in part by the increased recognition that mentorship results into positive relationships between the mentored and the adult mentors, which have been noted to promote resilience among youths (Wilson and Peterson, 2006). In other words, mentoring is a critical aspect of human growth with the ability to transform an individual’s hidden ability into an elite performer. However, it should never be assumed that the essential features of the natural association between an adult mentor and a young mentee is enough to influence the process of mentorship leading to satisfactory results. Moreover, most research studies have mainly focused on mentee benefits, while ignoring their motivation and interests. Because of its multidisciplinary nature, mentorship requires a multidimensional approach to issues. As such, various theories have been proposed to enhance mentorship programme’s effectiveness. Maslow’s humanistic theory is based on the notion that experience is the basic phenomenon in the study and understanding of human learning behaviour (Kenrick, 2010). Maslow emphasises on the importance of choice, creativity, values and self-actualisation as distinctive human qualities, indicating that meaningfulness and subjectivity are more significant than objectivity. In other words, Maslow rejects the behaviourism and psychoanalysis because of the belief that it leads to over-reliance on human frailty at the expense of human strengths. This paper expounds on how a mentor can use Maslow’s theory of self-actualisation to facilitate mentorship success, through the theories of teaching, learning and assessments. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs It’s prudent to highlight the Maslow’s five hierarchy of needs and what these needs stand for, before delving into how the last need, self-actualisation, is essential for a successful mentorship programme. Maslow developed hierarchy of needs, which is based on the study of psychology focusing on the subjective experiences and freewill. In other words, human needs do change through a person’s lifespan (Kenrick, et al., 2010). Maslow, thus, ranks the human needs from most basic physical needs to the most advanced self-actualisation. These ranks, which are often referred to as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are: psychological needs, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualisation. While physiological needs include essential things like food, air, water and any other factor that contribute to the human survival, the need for safety include issues to do with environmental security, job security, resource availability, healthcare and property ownership among others. In many instances, the loss for safety is experienced during economic crisis or a country experiencing a disaster. The sense of belonging, as another need, includes love, sense of friendship, intimacy, and family belonging among other needs. Belongingness is thus established after safety and physiological needs have been assured. But there is exception to this rule particularly where peer pressure is involved, which may lead an individual to solicit for belongingness to satisfy a societal standards. Then there esteem, a need that include issues such as confidence, self-esteem, and respect among others. This level of need builds on the need for interpersonal elements of need such as love and belonging through the elements of being accepted and valued. It may lead to a close interaction between a mentor and a mentee, which often results to development of strong interpersonal and communication skills to the latter (Lunsford, 2011). Lastly is the self-actualisation, which includes factors such as moral behaviour, creative thinking, and problem solving abilities. Self-actualisation, considered the most significant of all needs, is the driver of every other aspect of human need (McGuire, 2011). The theory of teaching, learning and assessment In order to facilitate the impact of mentorship, a mentor may use various approaches of teaching, learning and assessment. Individuals have their own specific way of learning and to recognise that everyone does not learn the same way. As such, the contemporary concept of learning views it as a process of active engagement (Craig, 2013; Wilson and Peterson, 2006). A mentor influences a mentee through provision of appropriate structure, expression of positive expectation, advocating and explaining, administering challenges to learners, provision of vision that is able to sustain the interests of the learners. According to Feeney (2007), for mentorship to be effective, mentees must be guided on a journey at the end of which the mentee develops into a different and become more accomplished. In the perspective of Maslow’s theory, a mentee is more likely to develop better career path if their interactions with their mentors is holistic. That is, mentees’ specific needs may directly influence their relationships with their mentors. For a mentorship programme to success, a mentor can focus on giving greater consideration in mentoring practice. Mentorship as processes of active engagement One of the most critical aspects of education and learning over the past few decades is the move away from the concept that â€Å"learner is a sponge†toward an image of â€Å"learner as active constructor of meaning†(Israel et al., 2014: 954). The contemporary theory of learning focuses on behaviour. In this aspect a particular behaviour will lead to another and that when a mentor act in a certain way, the mentee will also act in a certain way as well. The reasons why modern teaching, learning and assessment theories go hand-in-hand with Maslow’s theory, is that teachers hardly have control over the students’ ability to learn. This may also be replicated in mentoring, with a form of teaching that encourages mentors to facilitate learning process both within and outside their scope of control. Some of the things a mentor needs to observe is whether the mentee is motivated, comfortable with the learning methods employed, interested, and whether the learning environment encourages interactions. These requirements are all contained in the Maslow’s theory of self-actualisation. Holistic learning theory provides the basic premise of mentorship as it gives individual personality, which is comprised of elements such as intellect, emotions, desire, intuition and imagination (Lunsford, 2011). For learning to take place and be effective, all these elements must be activated. This is in line with Maslow’s theory that is based on the perspective that a person’s drive to learn is intrinsic, and is purposefully meant to achieve self-actualisation. In essence, the goal of a mentor should include the process of helping the mentee to achieve the desired self-actualisation of a mentee. In order to achieve the desired outcomes, it is necessary for mentors to establish relationships between mentors and mentees, which encourage patterns of regular contact over a significant period of time. Mentorship as a social phenomenon: the social theory of learning Another significant shift in the mentorship field is the growing awareness among mentorship theorists is that learners and mentees need social environment to facilitate learning and enhance the full benefit of mentorship. While previous learning theorists put more emphasis on individual learning, the current work places more emphasis on the critical role of social groups in the development of understanding and enhancement of mentorship success. Even though solitude and silent background provide good opportunities that are likely to favour learning process, the social occasions involved in various discussions, conversations, debate and partnership or group working equally play a critical role in the learning outcome. For example, small children may refer to everything with four legs as â€Å"dog†, but learn to separate a dog from a cat with time as they pronounce the names publicly and an adult gently amend their pronunciation. This kind of approach to learning sometimes is ref erred to as ‘activity theory’, which can be traced psychologist Vygotsky, 1981 (cited in Lunsford, 2011: 479), who theorised that social world has a strong influence on individual’s development. Self-actualisation, as one of Maslow’s five hierarchies of needs, deals with the idea of setting a sense of problem solving. A mentor can use the social interaction to enhance their mentees develop more problem- solving skills. The common concept about self-actualisation is that knowledge and practice is inseparable, because humans learn or know by doing (McGuire, 2011; Wilkes, 2006). This means that a mentor can look at mentees as they are doing something meaningful, such as solving an authentic problem, in case they want to understand what the mentees’ level of understanding. Learner difference as a resource Another significant shift that people have adopted is the value placed on individual and group differences. Quinn and Hughes (2007) observe that one of the self-evident truths of schooling is that learners come with varied experiences, capabilities, understandings, and backgrounds. As a person seeks mentorship to achieve high-quality of what they value most in their lives, the differences between individuals continue to widen. For example, as school environments become more democratic, teachers/ mentors are forced to learn to deal with the inherent differences that exist between the students/mentees. While in the traditional model of teaching, teachers often used the â€Å"deficit model†of students to draw and plan the learning process, modern teaching, based on mentorship, emphasises that the difference between mentees should be treated as a resource. This approach is in line with Maslow’s self-actualisation, which embraces the difference between individuals’ growth, which is treated as personal and fulfillment of one’s own potentials. A mentor, using this perspective, will focus on the difference between individual mentees as strength rather than a weakness, by focusing on each mentee’s own volition of success. In essence, a mentor should not use a standardised approach to building individual mentee’s personality. According to Maslow (1987, cited in Kenrick, 2010, p.4), a self-actualised person has a great sense of awareness, which allow them to maintain a near constant enjoyment of life. They often engage in activities that facilitate the feeling of unity with possible meaningful outcome. They also tend to develop some degree of acceptance for all that seem unchangeable as well as level of spontaneous and stamina to work on what is changeable (Kenrick, 2010). In essence, a self-actualised indiv idual has developed a complete and coherent personality that enables them to dictate their life’s direction. A mentor can use this approach by applying theories of learning to help them: Utilise and provide value to the contribution that a mentee brings to the table during the assessment process; Undertake, facilitate and act upon feedback from a mentee with regard to effectiveness of the learning environment; Allow the mentee to have some personal time for reflection of their personal as well as professional development; Provide value-oriented and timely feedback and evaluation of individual mentee’s level of proficiency (Gopee, 2011). The Theory of teaching for understanding The other shift that mentors have redirect their concern is based on assumptions that knowledge is based on what a mentee is to learn. Nicklin and Kenworthy (eds) (2003) state that this theory is no longer based on what mentees quietly master or learn, but is based on the contemporary educational reform that demands that students possess more flexible comprehension of issues in a broader concept. In other words, learners must not only know the basics but also how to use those basic skills to identify and solve non-traditional problems. Alternatively, the use of critical thinking is meant to emphasise teaching for understanding. This theory has specific underlying assumptions that to be considered competent in a specific field, one must master core ideas, concepts and facts, and more importantly, its processes of inquiry and arguments. Conclusion Although critics of Maslow’s self-actualisation believe that this approach of teaching and learning oversimplifies complicated ideas, it may not be right to suggest that ideas about learning, learners, and knowing are either mutually exclusive or monolithic. If anything, the compatibility of these ideas is one of the reasons for their popularity in the last three decades. The idea of developing skills needs to be holistic, and mentors need to adopt methods that would embrace the contemporary theories of teaching, learning and assessments to increase the effectiveness of mentorship. A mentor’s role in practice placement is critical helping a mentee go through successful learning and assessment process. Although the relationship that may develop between a mentor and a mentee is quite complicated, it is essential to establish certain form of association that allows a mentor to provide support while at the same time remain objective and analytical as well. From the perspective of a mentee, a good mentor is teacher who nurtures, while at the same time remains a ‘knowledgeable friend’ (Wikes, 2006). Maslow’s self- actualisation need can guide a mentor through identification of essential factors that would lead to a mentee becoming self-actualised. A mentor can facilitate the success of a mentorship process by jointly defining realistic expectations of their relationship with a mentee, to increase opportunities for understanding and trust. References Craig, C.A., Allen, M.W., Reid, M.F. Riemenschneider, C.K., and Armstrong, D.J. (2013) The impact of career mentoring and psychological mentoring on affective organisational commitment, job involvement, and turnover intention. Administration & Society, 45 (8): 949-973. Feeney, M.K. (2007) Toward a useful theory of mentoring: a conceptual analysis and critique. Administration & Society, 39 (6): 719-739. Gopee, N. (2011) Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare. London: SAGE. Israel, M., Kamman, M.L., McCray, E.D., and Sindelar, P.T. (2014). Mentoring in action: The interplay among professional assistance, emotional support, and evaluation. Exceptional Children, 81 (1): 45-63. Kenrick, D. (2010) Rebuilding Maslow’s pyramid on an evolutionary foundation. Psychologytoday: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a therapist. Retrieved July 16, 2010 from http:/ maslow-s-pyramid-evolutionary-foundation. Kenrick, D.T., GrisKevicius, v., Neuburg, S.L., and Schaller, M. (2010). Renovating the pyramidof needs: Contemporary extensions built upon ancient foundations. Perspectives onPsychological Science, from Lunsford, L.G. (2011). Psychology of mentoring: The case of talented college students. Journal of Advanced Academics, 22 (3): 474-498. McGuire, K.J. (2011). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Munich, GRIN Publishing GmbH. ISBN 978-3656-23495-1. Nicklin, N. and Kenworthy, N. (eds) (2003) Teaching and assessing in Nursing Practice: An Experimental Approach. London: Bailliere Tindall. Quinn, F.M. and Hughes, S.J. (2007) Quinn’s principles and Practice of Nurse Education (5th edition). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Wilkes, Z (2006) The Student-Mentor relationship: a review of the literature. Nursing Standard. 20 (37). 42-47. Wilson, S., and Peterson, P.L. (2006) Theories of learning and teaching: what do they mean for educatorsWorking Paper. Available: [Accessed 12/12/2014].
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How Significant was the Vietnam War in Stimulating the Protest Culture of the 1960’s?
The popular protest culture that formed within the 1960's, that rebelled against the American traditional system arguably occurred because of the involvement in the Vietnam war from the federal government. Many young student and black Americans specifically, were highly against American intervention, prompting the protest culture.However, other reasons could have prompted this too, like the assassination of Kennedy, more political interest and involvement from young radicals now favouring communist and socialist ideas, and also, arguably the increase in education meaning young adults now didn't have to earn their livings as early on in their lives. Firstly, the Vietnam war was undoubtedly a very significant factor in the increased protests during the 60's.For example, the excessive bombing of North Vietnam lead in 1965 lead to many student protests, as so many civilians including women and children were being purposefully killed in order to ultimately, win the was by flattening Vietn am. This caused outrage amongst the student rebels. In particular, the student rebel group called Students for Democratic Society (SDS) used the Vietnam war to suggest that the US government was corrupt. The cause struck a chord with those at university more so than other groups of people due to the immense number of students that were made to go and fight.The average age of soldiers fighting the Vietnam war for America was 19, meaning almost every student knew someone that had been killed or injured due to the combat they were being forced to take part in. This lead to not only resentment for the war, but also fear that they would be called up to fight, and therefore even more resistance and protesting towards continuing the fight. The war faced huge resistance, and in a way gave the rebels a force and action to fight against. This could be argued as the stimulant for the protests, as they could now use the ideas of the racist, corrupt government with evidence.Many said the Vietnam war was a racist war, and that white America wanted to conquer Asia, as well as attack the gaining black equality within America. This was because in order to avoid ‘the draft' (being called up to fight once a month), many wealthy white Americans would enrol in universities or colleges. This would excuse them from having to fight, unlike other working classes and black Americans, who could simply not afford this escape route as they could not manipulate the system as easily, leading to a hugely disproportionate number fighting being black or working class.This figure was around 80%, increasing the ominous fear in students as the news of the deaths returned. Over 11000 were killed in 67, increasing to 16500 in 68. The many reasons for why the Vietnam war was so hated by many of the protests suggests its significance and its undoubtable impact on the Student Rebels. Although many argue the Vietnam war was the reason for the protests, it could be said that the protest culture wo uld not have happened without a big spark effecting the nation. This was the assassination of president J F Kennedy, who was shot in November 1963 causing deep sadness in much of the population.There were many theories concerning his death that spread around the youths of America, leading to further diminished trust amongst young people. Before the assassination, America was a different place; despite the Vietnam war, many said there was hope in this period, but the hope shattered when he was killed. Questions were raised about US society, as the civil rights movement took over encouraging civil disobedience as they said Kennedy would have wanted this because of his backing of the Freedom Rides.The shock of his death was overwhelming and arguably this caused the most fuel for the counter culture emerging than anything else. Along with the assassination of Martin Luther King and Kennedy, followed by the involvement in the Vietnam war, the impact upon the public was huge, and arguably , it was those drug crazed, protest evolved and in some cases, politically aware teenagers that came from this. However, this is not the only reason for the now more rebellious teenagers of America.As education became increased within a pupils lifetime and schooling lasting longer, many students were turning towards the SDS, who particularly focused on political issues and and came up with ideas for change within America. Many were becoming fed up with the untrustworthy American Federal government,and as this view became wider spread and more popular within the youth culture, many began favouring the idea of communism or a socialist movement. This new left group were key in organising protests and became more and more influential as numbers increased.In October 1963, their total membership was 610, however, after protests of Vietnam they became even more influential and an even more recognisable and known group. Those involved were still in education at various Universities and coll eges, meaning this age when previously they would have to go our and find a job and work to make a living was gone, and instead they could still afford to live off parents money. This split teenagers, some taking a political route, while others became more interested in ‘finding themselves' within the flower power movement.The opportunities for young people opened up within the 60s,and they were no longer held to finding a job and starting the typical American family lifestyle. They now had a time in their life that they could experiment with – possibly with various drugs – and this new sense of freedom and flexibility allowed more time for those wanting to reject the ‘too good' American society have the opportunity to protest. In conclusion, I think the main reason for the sudden development of the protest culture was the Vietnam war, as it gave students a cause to fight because of genuine opposition as well as the opportunity.It was incredibly significant in stimulating the protest culture as they faced the fear of being called up to fight themselves, causing incredible resentment of the war, as well as the arguments the students proposed that the war was indeed racist and the government corrupt. This alone was undoubtedly the most significant factor, although without events like the assassination of JF Kennedy, I do not think the movement would have been so big and influential, as there would have been less people backing the cause.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mirror Neurons essays
Mirror Neurons essays The phrase, "Monkey See, Monkey Do!" takes on connotations of reality with the discovery (or at least, the conjecture) of mirror neurons. Mirror neurons were first identified in the frontal lobes (pre-motor cortex area or Broca's area) in monkeys. Broca's area is the center in the brain associated with the expressive and syntactic aspects of language in humans. Giaccamo Rizzollati and co-workers made the discovery of mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are identified as potentially important from an evolutionary standpoint. Scientists have identified them as the key to the evolution of our cognitive and language abilities. The problem as it exists is that the human (or primate) brain attained its size with all the attendant genetics more than 250,000 years ago. However, our ability to create language, music and establish evolved cultures have come after our brains were fully developed. This means that the above-mentioned abilities were present in the human brain, but were latent. This would go against Darwin's theory of evolution, which suggests that only expressed genes (and not latent ones) evolve. V. S. Ramachandran suggests that a specific facility was expressed in a specific direction by accident. Then mirror neurons took over and that particular facility was "nurtured," it evolved and developed, and became commonplace (Ramachandran, 2003). Mirror neurons were discovered when these neurons were shown to fire not only when monkeys performed a specific activity (grasping, tugging, pulling and holding) but also fired when the monkey, not performing that activity, watched another monkey performed it. The functioning of mirror neurons indicates that it could explain why the human cognitive ability works. The most important function of mirror neurons is therefore in the ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Letter of Reconsideration for Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Letter of Reconsideration for Employment - Essay Example My training was an educative experience where I grew to be a more dependable and hardworking employee. In my two months as a temporary employee, I have never missed a day of work nor have I been late. I was also always willing to take on overtime work without hesitation. My supervisor and co-workers have given me great feedbacks for my job. I was able to implement a ‘process improvement’ plan that increases production line efficiency. This only improved my confidence that allowed me to realize my potentials and creativity. For these reasons alone, I wish to continue on to be an asset to the company. Each of us has done something we are not proud of but I refuse to accept that my future should be determined by a juvenile mistake I earnestly regret. There is nothing else I could do to change the past except to be able to grow from it to be better. Please reconsider my application base on what I was able to accomplish and what I will be able to put in as part of the dynamic
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International Trade Simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Trade Simulation - Essay Example Say for example, a country that has fertile soil and a climate that is beneficial to agriculture can specialize in agricultural products. They can export the agricultural products and import products that are products more efficiently by other countries. By using this advantage, both countries will be able to increase their wealth by specializing products they products efficiently and export them, then import the ones they don’t produce so well. The Trade Representative Office of Rodamia would like to give the Hon. Michael Jacobs, President of Rodamia, some recommendations for the scenarios in the international trade we will encounter. Lisa Drake, Chairman of the Trade Commission, gave expert advice to formulate sound international trade policies and Walter Barnes, Deputy Trade Representative, assisted in handling negotiations with neighbouring countries. Rodamia has three neighbouring countries: Uthania, Alfazia, and Suntize. And each of them has their own resource of special ization. It is also of absolute importance to know the rationale of each recommendation, its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding Opportunity Costs and the Production Possibility Frontier In the first scenario, the opportunities for trade in Uthania, Alfazia and Suntize should be explored. In this case, we need to decide which products should be exported to which country and which to be imported to which country. ... To better understand the comparative and absolute advantages of Rodamia, the opportunity costs for each product of each country are shown in the tables below: Table 1. Opportunity cost comparison for countries producing agricultural products Corn (units: 000 tons) Cheese (units: Mn Pounds) Rodamia 1 2 Uthania 1 1 Alfazia 2 3 Table 2. Opportunity cost comparison for countries producing electronics DVD Players (units: Mn pieces) Watches (units, Mn Pieces) Rodamia 2 3 Uthania 1 2 Suntize 2 5 The opportunity cost described here is the value of what is given up. Before we set to trade, it is important to understand the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) and the opportunity cost for each decision we take. PPF measures the maximum combination of outputs you can get from a given number of inputs, For example, the PPF of corn and cheese in Rodamia shows the maximum amounts of two goods that can be produced from the given resources and technology. In Table 1, the opportunity costs for corn and cheese were presented. If you produce no cheese, then all resources can be used to produce 4000 tons of corn. For every 1 unit of corn produced in Rodamia, 2 units of cheese are equivalent. Walter Barnes discussed Rodamia’s comparative advantage that lies in corn production since it has a lower opportunity cost compared to cheese. In the scenario of corn vs. cheese, it is highly recommended to export corn and import cheese. Now the next step is to determine which country to import cheese. We can import cheese from Uthania since the cheese production has a lower opportunity cost compared to Alfazia. Though Alfazia has an absolute advantage in producing
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